
Advertising Opportunities

For Advertising Rates, please see the documents linked below:

Sidebar Newsletter Ad Rates

Trial Lawyer Magazine Ad Rates

To advertise in Sidebar Newsletter or Trial Lawyer Magazine, contact Ronnie Jacko, Account Executive at Big Red M at

Advertising Opportunities:

Sidebar Newsletter

OTLA's bimonthly newsletter is filled with updates about OTLA activities and member news. Sidebar is published 6 times annually as a full-color, interactive digital flipbook with a distribution of over 1,200 individuals.

Trial Lawyer Magazine

Published 4 times yearly, the magazine reaches OTLA members, judges, legislators and law professors and law libraries, with a circulation of more than 1,600 individuals. Trial Lawyer is an important source of information for members of the plaintiffs' bar and other members of the legal community. Produced in magazine format, Trial Lawyer features articles on substantive legal issues, court rulings and precedents, and other issues pertinent to successful trial lawyers.

Event Sponsorships

OTLA organizes educational and social events throughout the year including lunches, happy hour socials, gala events, specialty section and/or practice area-specific CLEs and more. We always welcome a sponsor or co-sponsor and offer prominent signage, recognition by emcees and other sponsor benefits. Some events also feature exhibitor table opportunities. For exhibiting and event sponsorships, contact Kathleen Bergin at 503-223-5587 x 108 or

Annual Partnerships

Annual Partner packages are customized for each business and offer year-round recognition via web exposure, signage and verbal acknowledgments at all major events, and other important benefits. Annual Partnerships are an excellent way for businesses to build relationships with OTLA's more than 1000 attorney members and hundreds of other OTLA member legal professionals. For information about Annual Partnerships, contact contact Amy Anderson at 503-806-7420 or, or click here to view program details.

OTLA Thanks Our Annual Partners